Creative and Funny Filipinos on Tiktok App

Hehehe! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚ i know You watched it too, some Filipino Celebrities making dubsmash of some lines of drama movies, or some “Hugot” lines, and it’s funny in a simple way. Even a non-celebrity Filipino plus funny lines from a well-known comedian is a great combination. This particular application called Tiktok is magical!

Way back in 2015, Ms. Maine Mendoza a. k. a “Yaya Dub” started making dubsmash, and her videos was a hit, and i think she’s the best, in terms of projecting, acting, lipsynching and timing with alots of humor.

If you want to see some of funny Compilation of Tiktok videos of Celebrities and Dubsmash of Ms. Maine Mendoza,

Check this out, click the Youtube video I edited my self, and SUBSCRIBE also to my YouTube Channelย  ย “Uni-cell Gaming”

Enjoy! ๐Ÿ˜Š

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